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The IFRS Sustainability Alliance

Introducing the IFRS Sustainability Alliance

Introducing the IFRS Sustainability Alliance: the global membership programme for sustainability standards, integrated reporting and integrated thinking. The IFRS Sustainability Alliance combines the SASB Alliance and <IR> Business Network into a more expansive membership programme than ever before. Diverse in size and scope, members of the Alliance share a belief in the benefits of a coherent and comprehensive system for corporate disclosure and a more integrated approach to the way organisations plan and disclose their approach to value creation.

Member benefits include:

  • Updates through engagement with IFRS Foundation staff, peers and industry leaders
  • Learning opportunities on the integration of sustainability factors into investment processes, reporting best practices, sustainability standards development, global policy and ongoing academic research
  • Tools to advance understanding of the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, including the SASB Standards, Integrated Reporting Framework and Integrated Thinking Principles
  • Virtual and in-person events that offer networking and learning opportunities

To learn more, visit